...at Gerstell is defined as, “The art of positively influencing others to unite in a common direction and guiding them to improve themselves and their community.”
...at Gerstell is doing the right thing when no one is looking regardless of the consequences.
...at Gerstell is the ability to act in the face of fear. Not to be fearless, but to learn how to demonstrate both physical and moral courage in the face of adversity.
Fifth graders recently exploredNASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, where they witnessed the development of theNancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, a groundbreaking instrument set to expand our view of the universe.
On Friday, February 21st, the sixth-grade students immortalized their favorite Gerstell portrait leaders in “wax” through a lifelike exhibit of poses designed to educate museum goers on the lives of these special leaders. Parents, students, and faculty attended the exhibit and were captivated by the life-like portrayals.
On Wednesday, February 19th, Gerstell Academy hosted a school wide celebration acknowledging contributions from the African American community. The assembly opened with the lower school singing of the National Anthem led by Ms. Jenna Daly, Chair of the Performing Arts department. The hour-long presentation was introduced and emceed by middle and upper school students. The event featured guest speaker and storyteller Ms. Griot Edna Williams who shared the history and contributions of African Americans in the work force.